5 Learning & Development (L&D) Challenges & Priorities for 2020
End of the year is a good time to reflect and prepare ourselves for the challenges that come next. As industries get disrupted with new technologies, Learning & Development (L&D) professionals need to find ways to keep the organisation and its[...]
Read More5 Tips for running a successful Blended Learning Course
Blended Learning is an approach that combines online learning with face-to-face classroom learning. Blended Learning courses help learners by giving them the flexibility to learn at their own time and pace, while maintaining some face-to-face[...]
Read MoreIs Your Organisation Adapting to Social Learning?
A survey conducted by the Intelligence Group Study revealed that 88% of employees prefer a collaborative work-culture than a competitive one. Primarily this is why most firms are rooting for Social Learning methods in their training programs.
Read MoreCommon Assessments to work towards a Common Goal
Understanding the need and benefits of Common Assessments
Assessments are a key part of the teaching and learning process. Assessments are designed to either help students learn, or to measure student learning, or both. While teachers design and[...]
Read MoreLearning & Digital — The new L&D for digital transformation
A decade ago or even 5 years ago if someone told you that the L&D (Learning & Development) department can make the company more profitable or help generate new revenue streams, you’d be sure that the person you were talking to was either a very[...]
Read MoreDeveloping Peer-and Self-Assessment Skills by Leveraging a VLE
At Teamie we are always pleased to hear feedback on how our technology can be leveraged to enhance learning. Learning is, of course, a complex process with many facets and conditions which act to enhance or impede the process. We are thankful that[...]
Read MoreImproved Learning Analytics and Feedback in 21st Century Learning
Align curriculum standards and assess Mastery with standards-based grading features in your LMS
One of the most important functions of any learning environment is assisting learners in meeting their goals. Much of this is achieved through[...]
Read MoreWelcome The New Learning Institution - Corporates
Learning has been the domain of schools and colleges/universities, with teachers delivering knowledge and (hopefully) skills to students to prepare them to become productive members of the society, and, for many students, to be ready for the[...]
Read More5 Steps To Improve Knowledge Management By Leveraging Your LMS
We live in a world which is rich with information and where data and knowledge are powerful resources. With technological advancements, such as, the internet, smartphones and untold sources disseminating information, knowledge management has never[...]
Read More9 Ways to Promote Personalised Learning and Differentiated Instruction Through Your LMS
Differentiation is a way of teaching or recognising the necessity for many ways of teaching; it’s not a program or package of worksheets. To differentiate teachers must have deep insight into their students’ abilities and learning dispositions so[...]
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